Touch the TSET button

Monitoring carbon monoxide levels can save you from the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, so it's important to have multiple carbon monoxide detectors in your home. To get the most out of your carbon monoxide detector, you should make sure it's working properly. Therefore, I think it is very necessary to popularize the knowledge of how to test, maintain and check carbon monoxide detectors to users who have carbon monoxide detectors at home.


Generally speaking, the tests of carbon monoxide detectors can be divided into two types, one is the self-test of the detector, and the other is the manual test of man.


Self test:

This is the mode that the detector detects by itself, which is mainly realized by touching the TEST button on the detector. This mode needs to be powered on. The TEST mode of most detectors reflects whether it is working properly. Higher-level detectors can also provide services such as battery usage and detector life. For the use and function of the TEST button, please consult the corresponding manual.


Manual test:

Manual testing is performed by exposing the detector to carbon monoxide gas and seeing if it will alarm. People can more intuitively feel whether the detector is running normally through personal testing, but they cannot understand the battery and life usage of the detector. The following are the detailed test steps:


1.Test with bottled carbon monoxide gas

This is a bottled spray that can be bought in most furniture repair shops and can be purchased online. The price of each bottle is 8~15 dollars, which can be used for several years.


Test method: tightly wrap the carbon monoxide detector and test nozzle with a plastic bag to make the carbon monoxide detector in a closed space. Press and hold the sprayer for about 3 seconds to fill the plastic bag with carbon monoxide gas of sufficient concentration to alarm the detector. If the detector gives an alarm within 15 minutes, it indicates that the detector is normal and the test is successful. If the detector does not give any alarm, you should consider whether the plastic bag is leaking, whether there is a problem with the detector life and battery, or continue to inject carbon monoxide gas into the plastic bag. If the detector still does not respond, it indicates that the detector function is missing, and a new detector should be replaced for further testing.


Test co alarm at home - Brojensmarthome


2.Test with a long match or wooden kebab

The principle of this method is to ignite one end of the match and then put it into a closed space for combustion. The object needs oxygen for combustion. When the object burns in a closed environment, the oxygen inside will be exhausted. At this time, the combustion lacking oxygen belongs to incomplete combustion and will produce high concentration carbon monoxide (even if the object is very small).


Test method: prepare a glass, a match and a carbon monoxide detector. First, click the test button of the detector, and its reading will be 0; Then burn one end of the match. When the flame is stable, quickly put the detector and match head into the inverted glass, and then observe the reading of the detector. You will find that the reading of the detector will rapidly increase to more than 50ppm within a few seconds, and then trigger the alarm. Of course, you can also replace matches with lit cigarettes. The testing videos are as follows.


Test co alarm at home - Brojensmarthome


The first method requires buying a jar with carbon monoxide gas. The second method is more common. We can burn matches, paper towels, and wood to generate carbon monoxide. In addition to this, some homes have connected carbon monoxide detectors installed, and the following is a test to test whether the connected detectors are connected.


  1. Assign a family member or friend to stand in each room where the detector is installed
  2. When everything is ready, the owner clicks the test button of the detector to trigger the alarm of all detectors
  3. Confirm that the alarms in other rooms sound. If the alarms in any room do not sound, try to replace the battery
  4. Replace the battery of the faulty detector, and then test again according to the above steps until the alarm in all rooms sounds, then the test is over.

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