
A motion sensor is essentially the backbone of your smart home system because they can let you know if a burglar has entered the area of the home.

It also has many other valuable uses. Here are some common uses of motion sensors:

  • Alert you in the event that your teen breaks curfew
  • Trigger a doorbell when someone approaches the front door
  • Alert you when kids enter restricted areas in the home, like the basement, workout room, or medicine cabinet
  • Save energy by using motion sensor lighting in unoccupied spaces
  • Notify you if pets enter areas where they’re not supposed to be

This guide is designed to help you better understand how to choose smart home sensors, what can they do.

When considering the multitude of sensor options for your use case, keep these considerations in mind:


  • What exactly do you want to use it for?
If you are not sure where you want the sensor to be used, it is difficult to take the next step  
  • What do you want it to do for you ?

Different types of sensors play different functions, determine your needs, determine what you want him to achieve for you.


Where do you install? If it is outside, is the housing rugged enough to withstand water, dust and shock? Does the sensor need to operate in a very cold or very hot environment.

3.Form factor

What is the maximum size allowed for the sensor? How will it be affixed to the product or asset? Sensors can differ significantly in size and shape, which is a large factor in determining which sensor to select, particularly with smaller products / assets being tracked.

Below are some tips for installing your motion sensors:

This will not only save you time during the installation process, but also reduce the chances for error.

  • Strategically install motion sensors in areas where people have to walk through like a main hallway. This way, an intruder trying to get in will trip the sensor regardless of where they come from or where they are headed. The master bedroom is a popular spot for intruders to enter, so you may want to consider placing a sensor near that room or other rooms where you store your valuables.
  • Keep your PIR sensors 10-15 feet away from heating vents or areas where the sunlight may shine in. The motion sensor light may give a false alarm if it senses a drastic change in temperature.
  • Remember that most motion sensors cover between 50-80 feet. You’ll want to install your sensor lights accordingly, in paths intruders are likely to take/areas where they are most likely to enter.

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