Carbon monoxide alarm what does it sound like

If your Carbon monoxide detector issues an alert and you do not test the device, it will alert you to a potentially dangerous situation that requires your immediate attention. Make sure everyone in your home knows the sound of your carbon monoxide alarm and what to do if they hear it.


Different calls for carbon monoxide alarms take wolf shield as an example

The sound of power up

After installation, the alarm will activate automatically. After installation, the alarm will activate automatically。(3 LED's will light shortly followed by 4 loud beeps and “000 PPM” will show in the display.)

The sound of normal operation during a test

You need to test your carbon monoxide alarm regularly, preferably once a week
Testing the Alarm: Test the CO-Alarm once a week, using the TEST button. It must flash all 3 LEDs once, one after another, followed by 4 beeps from the sounder.

Low Power Alarm

Every carbon monoxide alarm has a low battery alarm that tells you that you need to replace your battery or that the alarm is nearing the end of its life

Mute function/nTouch the TEST button during an alarm.

SIL will appear for 4 seconds, which means you have activated the "Silence"  function.

CO-Alarm is on -SIL will last 10 minutes. Not possible to activate a SIL if PPM is more than 300

Faulty sensor -SIL will show 4 seconds and the alarm will be silenced for 12 hours

Low battery -SIL will show 4 seconds and the alarm will be silenced for 12 hours

Touch the Menu button during any alarm and Silence will be activated. (SIL shows in the display.)


What triggered the CO-Alarm


Power Up

Green, yellow and red LEDs flash once in turn followed by 4 beeps.




The alarm is going through a four-minute self-learning process. LCD display now showing 000 PPM.


Normal monitoring status

Green LED flashes once every minute. No sound. The Display will show nothing.


Carbon Monoxide present a harmful level

Repeating series of 4 beeps and red LED flashing every 5 seconds. Display will show the current PPM or COHB Minimum 85 dB within 1 minute and 82 dB within 4 minutes.

....  ....  


Carbon Monoxide  low level

A series of 4 beeps and red LED will flash every 3 minutes. Display will show the current PPM or COHB

....  ....  ....

End life of CO-alarm

Three beeps and 3flash yellow LED every minute.

...  ...  


Faulty sensor

Two beeps and 2 flash yellow LED every minute.

..  ..  ..

Low Battery

One beep and 1 flash yellow LED every minute, an "X" will show in the display when the display is turned on.

.  .  .

Alarm Test

Green, yellow and red LEDs flash once in turn followed by 4 beeps.




●Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an extremely dangerous poisonous gas, It is colorless, odorless and tasteless gas - mainly released by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels such as Natural gas, Bottled gas, Petrol, Diesel, Paraffin, Wood, Coal coke and Bio-fuels.
●When inhaled, CO causes chemical asphyxiation, when CO mixes with the blood, the consequence is less oxygen is carried around the body, in particular to the brain itself. If affected while you are at sleep, most dangerous as you might not wake up, ever.
● Typical symptoms of CO poisoning and this need quick action-your the local emergency center must be contacted.
●Mild Exposure: Slight headache, nausea, fatigue, can be flue but also can be CO exposure (ppm)
Medium Exposure: Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, vomiting, fast heart rate (ppm)
Extreme Exposure: Unconsciousness, Convulsions, Cardio-respiratory failure and then death (ppm)
● General description: Although feeling unwell, victims of
CO poisoning can become so disoriented, that these people can no longer decide what to do next. This includes cases unable to exit a building.
● Children often show symptoms earlier than the adult.

What do you do when the carbon monoxide alarm goes off?

Don't panic when the carbon monoxide alarm goes off
First you need to check the alarm display of carbon monoxide concentration, so that the alarm mute
Second, open the doors and windows, so that the air circulation in the room
The rest of the family is then notified and told to leave the room quickly and go outside to rest in a well-ventilated area
Look for emergency workers from a nearby station.
Do not close windows or enter the house until the situation is clear and safe.

Do Carbon monoxide detector false alarm?

According to the working principle of carbon monoxide alarm, any alarm is unable to avoid false alarm, but the probability of false alarm of carbon monoxide alarm is relatively low. In fact, the main reason they misreported was not from external contamination, but whether there was a problem with the warning itself. If you get good CO alarms from reputable manufacturers, this shouldn't be too much of a problem
But for residents, if you're taking sensible precautions to install a carbon monoxide alarm, you should be aware of your alarm when they tell you it's on. Never assume this is a false alarm-always assume the alarm is caused by the presence of carbon monoxide and take action.

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